Zululand Tenders in Africa 2025
62 Zululand Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Zululand tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Preventative maintenance contract for hvac equipment - zululand health district
Tender No :- znb 5919/2025-h
End Date :- 2025-04-24
Kzn region: zululand district: saps, justice & others: maintenance of water & waste water plants, pumps and boreholes for a period of 36 months.
Tender No :- dbn25/02/06
End Date :- 2025-03-25
Appointment of service provider/s to provide physical security guarding services for statistics south afrca (stats sa) at kzn provincial office, uthungulu, umkhanyakude, zululand, umzinyathi, amajuba, uthukela, umgungundlovu and harry gwala district offices for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
Tender No :- stats sa 006/24
End Date :- 2025-03-26
3 year preventative and corrective maintenance of the diesel generator at various health facilities in the zululand district (excl. clinics)
Tender No :- znb5973/2024-h
End Date :- 2025-03-12
3 year preventative and corrective maintenance of the diesel generator at various health facilities in the zululand district (excl. clinics)
Tender No :- znb 5973/2024-h
End Date :- 2025-03-12
Provision of security services in the departmental offices, institution and residence located throughout the province for a period of thirtysix (36) months at cluster 2 (king cetshwayo and zululand district offices)
Tender No :- dard 21/2024
Location :- zululand
End Date :- 2025-01-22
The appointment of a contractor to undertake the construction of phase 4 livestock infrastructure projects: boreholes in various local municipalities under king cetshwayo, zululand, harry gwala and ilembe distriuct municipalities in the province of kwazulu natal
Tender No :- ss-kzn 5/2/1 (886) 000r
End Date :- 2024-12-10
The construction of the white mfolozi river bridge no.3600 and gravel link road d2047 from km 7.318 to km 14.300 in the zululand district under empangeni region
Tender No :- znb02231/00000/00/hod/inf/23/t
End Date :- 2024-12-05
Completion of the upgrades, additions & renovations to buhlebuzile primary school zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- doe42kznr064
End Date :- 2024-09-30
Invitation to submit a quotation for the appointment of a service provider to develop a single land use scheme (lus) for uphongolo local municipality (kzn 262), zululand district municipality (dc 26), in the province of kwazulu-natal for a period of seventeen (17) months
Tender No :- ss-kzn 5/2/1 (6946) 3sp
End Date :- 2024-09-03
Professional engineering consulting services the upgrade of district road 579 from km 16.339 to km 23.135) in the zululand district under the empangeni region. this project is located in the abaqulusi local municipality under the zululand district municipality in the empangeni region. the total dura
Tender No :- znb02126/00000/00/hod/inf/23/t
End Date :- 2024-09-11
Repairs and renovations to storm damaged school at ntshiyangibone primary school through a turnkey contract at zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- doe08kznr2304
End Date :- 2024-07-22
Repairs and renovations to storm damaged school at thusane primary school through a turnkey contract at zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- doe08kznr2303
End Date :- 2024-07-22
Upgrades and additions to bantubaningi high school, zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- doe42kznr141
End Date :- 2024-08-13
Appointment of a service provider to conduct limited pest control training at zululand region 2023
Tender No :- rfq -0010170651
End Date :- 2023-07-12
The construction of mkuze river bridge no.3801 at km 27+440 on main road p52-3 in zululand district under empangeni region.
Tender No :- znb02213/00000/00/hod/inf/23/t
End Date :- 2024-05-22
Department of rural development & land reform: vryheid: procurement of alternative office accommodation and parking for period of 05 years years: zululand regional shared services centre: (rssc)
Tender No :- dbn24/03/04
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-04-23
Department of rural development & land reform: vryheid: procurement of alternative office accommodation and parking for period of 05 years years: zululand regional shared services centre: (rssc)
Tender No :- dbn24/03/04
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-04-18
Construction of musa lsen special school, zululand district, kwazulu-natal province (emis no: 500448995)
Tender No :- doe42kznr015
End Date :- 2024-04-19
Emergency repairs to storm damaged school at inhlosenhle secondary school in zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- idtkn24doe0120
End Date :- 2024-02-29
Appointment of service provider/s to provide physical security guarding services for statistics south africa at kzn provincial, ethekwini, ilembe, king cetshwayo, umkhanyakude, zululand, umzinyathi, amajuba, uthukela, umgungundlovu, harry gwala and ugu district offices for a period of thirty six (36
Tender No :- stats sa 011/23
End Date :- 2024-03-13
Emergency repairs to storm damaged school at inhlosenhle secondary school in zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- idtkn24doe0120
End Date :- 2024-02-19
Emergency repairs to storm damaged school at inhlosenhle secondary school in zululand district, kwazulu-natal province
Tender No :- idtkn24doe0120
End Date :- 2024-02-19