Food Safety Tenders in Africa 2025
1111 Food Safety Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Food Safety tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Appointment of service proveder to delivery for the calibration of pressure gauges used in the wine & spirit laboratory of the directorate: food safety & quality assurance (fsqa), stellenbosch.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb 2024/25-118 dalrrd
End Date :- 2025-01-24
Appointment of service delivery for the service and repair of fume hoods and biohazard safety cabinets used in analytical services south laboratories, directorate: food safety & quality assurance (fsqa), plant quarantine station, stellenbosch.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb 2024/25-117 dalrrd
End Date :- 2025-01-24
Appointment of service provider to render supply of standards and certified reference material with certificates of analysis. the standards will be used to confirm the presence of e.coli salmonella and total bacterial during method validation testing in the micro laboratory of the directorate: food
Tender No :- ssc wc stb 2024/25-116 dalrrd
End Date :- 2025-01-23
Appointment of service provider to render supply of media with certificates of analysis to prove the quality and authenticity of the media. the media will be used in the analysis of rooibos tea products with regards to regulating promoting and addicting the quality at the microbiology laboratory of
Tender No :- ssc wc stb 2024/25-115 dalrrd
End Date :- 2025-01-23
Appointment of service provider to service or calibration and delivery of centrifuge used for sample preparation in the chemical residues laboratory of the directorate: food safety & quality assurance, stellenbosch.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb 2024/25-119 dalrrd
End Date :- 2025-01-24
The appointment of the service provider to facilitate the food safety and quality assurance (fsqa) training for officals and personnel in dsd feeding centres.
Tender No :- sd03/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-13
Appointment of a service provider for the service or calibration of staycold fridges at directorate: food safety & quality assurance, plant quarantine station, stellenbosch, 7599.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb(2024/2025)-041 dalrrd
End Date :- 2024-10-16
Appointment of a service provider for the calibration of pressure gauges used in the wine & spirit laboratory of the directorate: food safety&quality assurance (fsqa), plant quarantine station, stellenbosch, 7599.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb(2024/2025)-040 dalrrd
End Date :- 2024-10-16
Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installtion and commission of a combustion protein analyzer at the agricultural products laboratories north (apln) directorate: food safety and quality assurance
Tender No :- 5/2/2/1- dal rrd 0011 (2024/2025)
End Date :- 2024-09-25
Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and commission of high-performance liquid chromatography-photo diode array detector-fluorescence detector- charged aerosol detector (hplc-pda-fld-cad) at the agricultural products laboratory north (apln) directorate: food safety and qual
Tender No :- 5/2/2/1- dalrrd 0009 (2024/2025)
End Date :- 2024-09-23
Appointment of service provider for the calibration of micro pipettes at the directorate: food safety and quality assurance, plant quarantine station, stellenbosch, 7599.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb2024/25-04 dalrrd
End Date :- 2024-08-06
Appointment of service provider for the calibration of weighing balances and mass pieces at the directorate: food safety and quality assurance, plant quarantine station, stellenbosch, 7599.
Tender No :- ssc wc stb2024/25-05 dalrrd
End Date :- 2024-08-06
Appointment of a service provider render food safety office administration services at, marine research facility, sea point, cape town for a period of 24 months
Tender No :- rfq000874
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2024-07-12
Provision of food safety training (re-advert) .
Tender No :- ac.082
End Date :- 2024-06-04
Provision of food safety training.
Tender No :- ac 082
End Date :- 2024-05-27
Appointment of service provider to supply consumables for microbiology laboratory. the consumables will be used in the analysis of rooibos tea products with regards to regulating promoting and addicting the quality at the microbiology laboratory of the directorate: food safety & quality assurance (f
Tender No :- ssc wc stb2023/24-0039 dalrrd
End Date :- 2023-12-21
The appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of chemicals with certificates of analysis (to prove the quality and authenticity of the chemicals). these chemicals will be used for the liquor products analysis in the wine & spirit laboratory, additives and chemical residues lab of
Tender No :- ssc wc rq-crl015 dalrrd
End Date :- 2023-12-18
The appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of chemicals with certificates of analysis (to prove the quality and authenticity of the chemicals). these chemicals will be used for the liquor products analysis in the wine & spirit laboratory, additives and chemical residues lab of
Tender No :- ssc wc rq-crl012 dalrrd
End Date :- 2023-12-18
The provision of food safety training.
Tender No :- ac.036
End Date :- 2023-09-26
The provision of food safety training.
Tender No :- sm 241
End Date :- 2023-08-31
The provision of food safety training.
Tender No :- sm 228
End Date :- 2023-08-10
Provision of microbiology & food safety services for the parliament of rsa
Tender No :- b4/2023
End Date :- 2023-08-07
The appointment of a suitably qualified service provider for occupational health and safety training at foodbev seta
Tender No :- pr\bs\000980
End Date :- 2023-08-25
Douglas magistrate's office: repairs and renovations of the building (appointment of construction health and safety agent/manager) wcs: 054358
Tender No :- infq023/24ai
End Date :- 2025-04-01