Renovation Of Buildings Tenders in Africa 2025
2855 Renovation Of Buildings Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Renovation Of Buildings tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
The university seeks to appoint an experienced and professional contractor for undertaking the following universal accessible building work heritage restoration work at the following areas of the property: main entrance, circulation spaces, toilet facilities, courtyard lift addition, redecoration, a
Tender No :- rft-202503-00468
Location :- pretoria
End Date :- 2025-04-23
The university seeks to appoint a specialist contractor experienced in the renovation of historical buildings (buildings subject to heritage legislation). substantial work will be carried out in an existing building on an operational university campus and similar previous experience will be a requir
Tender No :- rft-202503-00469
Location :- pretoria
End Date :- 2025-04-23
Douglas magistrate's office: repairs and renovations of the building (appointment of construction health and safety agent/manager) wcs: 054358
Tender No :- infq023/24ai
End Date :- 2025-04-01
renovations and upgrades of building p2100 - pelindaba
Tender No :- fin-scm-ten-110
End Date :- 2025-04-17
Appointment of a service provider to provide occupational health and safe services to the mhsc for its office building renovation project
Tender No :- 1034
End Date :- 2025-03-11
renovations of aquaculture buildings. arc-ap irene
Tender No :- api01req002366-01
End Date :- 2025-03-11
Supply, delivery & off-loading of building material for the renovation of unisa building
Tender No :- b023-2024/25
Location :- newcastle
End Date :- 2025-02-26
Fouriesburg magistrate's office: repairs and renovations of the building (appointment of quantity surveying services_wcs: 052817
Tender No :- infq 022/24 ai
End Date :- 2025-02-27
Department of justice: douglas magistrate's office: repairs and renovation of the building (appointment of civil and structural engineering)
Tender No :- infq 007/24 ai
End Date :- 2025-02-27
Appointment of a service provider to provide a turnkey solution for the mhsc for the renovation and office fit out of the new mhsc building
Tender No :- mhsc011/2024-2025
End Date :- 2025-03-13
renovations of aquaculture buildings. arc-ap irene
Tender No :- api01req002366
End Date :- 2025-02-21
Repair and renovations of the cell block at bultfontein police station: free state province compulsory site meeting to be held on 2025-02-14 at 11:00 at bultfontein police station,03 van der poel street, bultfontein 9670, free state province. directions can be obtained from 057 910 9830. cidb requir
Tender No :- ph fs bf 01/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-21
Repair and renovations of the cell block at tembisa south police station: gauteng province compulsory site meeting to be held on 2025-02-12 at 11:00 at tembisa south police station,1069 brian mazibuko dr, tembisa 1632, gauteng province. directions can be obtained from 011 571 4074. cidb grading requ
Tender No :- ae tem 01/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-20
Repair and renovations of the cell block at loate police station: gauteng province compulsory site meeting to be held on 2025-02-11 at 11:00 at loate police station,stand 1546, winterveld 0198, gauteng province. directions can be obtained from 012 701 0427. cidb grading required required cidb gradin
Tender No :- ae loate 01/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-19
building contractor services: renovations to camp house erf 4857, caledon
Tender No :- jmv 01/2024/25
Location :- theewaterskloof
End Date :- 2025-02-11
The appointment of a design build contractor for the renovations and refurbishment of offices at 90 plein street building: 3rd, 8th, 9th and 10th floors in cape town, western cape
Tender No :- rfp213/2024
End Date :- 2025-01-31
renovations and alterations to the municipal court building, on erf 528, 35 mark street, stellenbosch
Tender No :- bsm 70/25
Location :- stellenbosch
End Date :- 2025-02-17
Department of justice: douglas: magistrate oofice: repairs and renovations of the building (professional service: occupational health and safety agent)
Tender No :- infq015/24 ai re-advert
End Date :- 2024-12-12
building renovations
Tender No :- inf012412rfq36
End Date :- 2025-01-15
Department of justice and constitutional development: douglas: magistrate's office: repairs and renovations of the building (appointment of construction of health and safety agent)
Tender No :- infq015/24 ai
End Date :- 2024-11-28
Department of justice and constitutional development: douglas: magistrate's office: repair and renovations of the building (appointment of electrical engineering services)
Tender No :- infq014/24 ai
End Date :- 2024-11-28
Department of justice and constitutional development: douglas: magistrate's office: repair and renovations of the building (appointment of architectural services)
Tender No :- infq016/24 ai
End Date :- 2024-11-28
City engineers building 2nd floor repairs and renovations for annex.
Tender No :- re-ad: rfq/dpm/2024-25/97
Location :- buffalo city
End Date :- 2024-11-15
Pietermaritzburg: the appointment of a consortium of a multi-disciplinary team of professional consultants for the investigation, restoration, repairs and renovations, design, and construction of the kzn department of agriculture and rural development under umgungundlovu district offices (allerton b
Tender No :- zntm01248w/ wims 080259
Location :- pietermaritzburg
End Date :- 2024-12-06
Appointment of a turnkey contractor for the renovations and refurbishment of building 76 within the naval base durban in the kwazulu natal province
Tender No :- rfp202/2024
Location :- durban
End Date :- 2024-11-22