Request for proposal from prospective bidders( Consortium or Companies are eligible to bid / if bidders are unable to form a consortium are encouraged to submit their bid with the space and parking bays that they have based on the one (01) above) to provide procurement of alternative accommodation and parking's for Saps Forensic Laboratory existing lab with space measuring 13 229,50sqm and 250 parking bays (Open and Undercover) for a period of three to five years. Building must be located in Durban CBD and surrounding areas excluding South Part of DBN within 20km radius from City Hall, durban

Public Works And Infrastructure has published Request for proposal from prospective bidders( Consortium or Companies are eligible to bid / if bidders are unable to form a consortium are encouraged to submit their bid with the space and parking bays that they have based on the one (01) above) to provide procurement of alternative accommodation and parking's for Saps Forensic Laboratory existing lab with space measuring 13 229,50sqm and 250 parking bays (Open and Undercover) for a period of three to five years. Building must be located in Durban CBD and surrounding areas excluding South Part of DBN within 20km radius from City Hall, durban. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Our Id : 456072188
: request for proposal from prospective bidders( consortium or companies are eligible to bid / if bidders are unable to form a consortium are encouraged to submit their bid with the space and parking bays that they have based on the one (01) above) to provide procurement of alternative accommodation and parking's for saps forensic laboratory existing lab with space measuring 13 229,50sqm and 250 parking bays (open and undercover) for a period of three to five years. building must be located in durban cbd and surrounding areas excluding south part of dbn within 20km radius from city hall
Tender No : DBN24/10/03
Location : durban
Due Date : 2024-11-19
Publish Date : 11 Nov 2024
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