Latest City of Polokwane Tenders 2025
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Appointment of service provider for internal audit services for a period of three years on an s and when required basis at polokwane international airport.
Tender No :- gaal125/2024/2025
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Lease of a portion of portion 10 of weltevreden 746 ls and a portion of the remaining extenet of krugersburg 993 ls also known as polokwane airfield/airstrip (period:9 years and 11 months)
Tender No :- pm68-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Lease of aportion of erf 366 mankweng c measuring 2 hectares in extent for a period of thirty (30) years
Tender No :- pm67-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Lease of remaining extent of erf6451 pietersburg ext 26 (industrial site) for a period of thirty (30) years
Tender No :- pm66-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Appointment of two (2) sanas accredited service providers for calibration services, maintenance, repair and replacement of open channel flow meters and online analysers (for ph and turbidity) for water and wastewater treatment plants within polokwane municipality for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- pm65-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of one (01) service provider to supply and delivery of fencing material at polokwane game reserve for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- pm64-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of a service provider for the proposal for the harvesting of the kroomdraai plantation on the farm kromdraai 1025 ls ptn 5.
Tender No :- pm62-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of service providers to be on the municipal database of independent investigators for the period of three (03) years.
Tender No :- pm63-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-09
Appointment of three (03) service providers to supply and deliver protective clothing for fire brigade, traffic and licensing, security and game ranger for a period of three (03) years.
Tender No :- pm59-24/25
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-09
Invitation to service providers to register on the polokwane municipality database of suppliers for 2024/2025
Tender No :-
Location :- polokwane
End Date :- 2025-04-09