Highmast Lights Tenders in Africa 2025
689 Highmast Lights Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Highmast Lights tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Turnkey project for design and installation of 4 highmast lights at gedroogte, makgopong, seruleng and mapatjakeng
Tender No :- lnm039/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-05-20
Turnkey project for design and installation of 4 highmast lights at gedroogte, makgopong, seruleng and mapatjakeng
Tender No :- lnm039/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-05-20
Turnkey project for design and installation of 4 highmast lights at makurung, tjiane, morotse and ga-seloane
Tender No :- lnm027/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-05-20
Turnkey project for design and installation of 4 highmast lights at malemang, lebowakgomo unit a, lebowakgomo cementry and mphaaneng
Tender No :- lnm037/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-05-20
Turnkey project for design and installation of 4 highmast lights at matome, motantanyane, sepanapudi and sekgweng
Tender No :- lnm038/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-05-20
Supply, installation and commisioning of highmast lights in alabama ext 4 & 5 - phase 2
Tender No :- com/scm/t/05/2023/24
End Date :- 2023-11-14
Supply, installation and commisioning of highmast lights in brackspruit/nkagisang cpa
Tender No :- com/scm/t/06/2023/24
End Date :- 2023-11-14
A panel of electrical service provider to design and implement electrification, streetlight, highmast light projects, development & review master plan for a period of 3 years in phases using turnkey strategy (re-advert)
Tender No :- (re-advert)-pwbs- b011/24/25
End Date :- 2024-11-13
Appointment of multiple service providers for repairs of highmast and street lights on as and when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
Tender No :- com/scm/t/16/2024/25
End Date :- 2024-09-20
A panel of electrical service provider to design and implement electrification, streetlight, highmast light projects, development & review master plan for a period of 3 years in phases using turnkey strategy
Tender No :- pwbs- b011/24/25
End Date :- 2024-07-24
Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of led lights for the highmasts and streetlights for rustenburg local municipality
Tender No :- bpdm/ts/ledlights/higmasts/rustenburg/60/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-06-18
Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of led lights for highmasts and streetlights for kgetlengrivier local municipality
Tender No :- bpdm/ts/ledlights/higmasts/kgetleng/46/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-06-18
Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of led lights for the highmasts and streetlights for moretele local municipality
Tender No :- bpdm/ts/ledlights/higmasts/moretele/51/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-06-18
Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of led lights for the highmasts and streetlights for madibeng local municipality
Tender No :- bpdm/ts/led/ledlights/highmasts/madibeng/59/2023/2
End Date :- 2024-06-18
Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of led lights for the highmasts and streetlights for moses kotane local municipality
Tender No :- bpdm/ts/ledlights/highmasts/moseskotane/47/2023/24
End Date :- 2024-06-18
Appointment of panel of contractors for supply, delivery, offloading, installation and maintanannce of highmast structures lights for a period of 36 months as and when required.
Tender No :- 8 / 2 / 1 / u m h 1 4 2 9 - 23/24
End Date :- 2024-06-06
Appointment of a contractor for the supply and installation of solar lighting highmasts at ezibeleni engineering campus
Tender No :- itvetcinfra008/03/2024
End Date :- 2024-04-15
Supply, installation and commissioning of two highmast solar panel lights
Tender No :- smt40/23/24
End Date :- 2024-04-12
Maintenance of highmast public lighting installations
Tender No :- 38s/2023/24
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2023-09-28
Maintenance of highmast public lighting installations
Tender No :- 38s/2023/24
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2023-09-28
Maintenance of highmast public lighting installations
Tender No :- 38s/2023/24
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2023-09-28
Maintenance of highmast public lighting installations
Tender No :- 38s/2023/24
End Date :- 2023-09-28
Appointment of suitable and reputable panel of professional mechanics for both heavy duty vehicle (hdv) and light duty vehicle (ldv) for a period of twenty-four (24) months as and when required
Tender No :- mkho 15/2024/25
Location :- mkhondo
End Date :- 2025-04-25
Tender for the supply, delivery and off-loading of auxiliary equipment needed for the operation of high-pressure sodium (hps) light fixtures used for public lighting purposes, as and when required for a three (3)-year period.
Tender No :- eed 12-2024-25
Location :- tshwane
End Date :- 2025-04-29
Supply and delivery of forensic light source(s) for the detection and examination of forensic evidence at crime scenes for a period of two (2) years for the south african police service: division: detective and forensic services: component cr & csm: crime scene management: nationally
Tender No :- 19/1/9/1/40td(24)
End Date :- 2025-04-16