North West Department Of Arts, Culture, Sports And Recreation Tenders 2025
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Supply, delivery and installation of modular library in moshana: ramotshere moiloa local municipality
Tender No :- acsr 107/2024
End Date :- 2025-01-26
Supply, delivery and installation of modular library in kgakala: maquassi hills local municipality
Tender No :- acsr 106/2024
End Date :- 2025-01-24
Establishment of a panel of pre-qualified service providers for design, manufacturing, delivering and installation of library furniture and equipment
Tender No :- acsr 105/2024
End Date :- 2025-01-17
Provision of private security services for dr kenneth kaunda district for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 104/2024
End Date :- 2024-07-16
Provision of private security services for dr ruth segomotsi mompati district for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 103/2024
End Date :- 2024-07-12
Provision of private security services for bojanala district for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 102/2024
End Date :- 2024-07-09
Provision of private security services for ngaka modiri molema district - group 2 for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- 101/2024/2
End Date :- 2024-07-02
Provision of private security services for ngaka modiri molema district - group 2 for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 101/2024/2
End Date :- 2024-07-02
Provision of private security services for ngaka modiri molema district- group 1 for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 101/2024/1
End Date :- 2024-06-27
Provision of private security services for ngaka modiri molema district- group 1 for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 101/2024/1
End Date :- 2024-06-27
Provision of private security services for ngaka modiri molema district- group 1 for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- 101/2024/1
End Date :- 2024-06-27
Establishment of a panel of pre-qualified service providers for design, manufacturing, delivering and installation of library furniture and equipment for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- acsr 100/2024
End Date :- 2024-06-24
Provision of private security services for dr kenneth kaunda district for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- acsr 144/2023
End Date :- 2023-12-13
Provision of private security services for a dr ruth segomotsi mompati district for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- acsr 143/2023
End Date :- 2023-12-13
Provision of private security services for dr kenneth kaunda district for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- acsr 144/2023
End Date :- 2023-12-13