Spare Part Tenders in Africa 2024

45 Spare Part Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Spare Part tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Supply and delivery of spare parts for lawn mower
Tender No :- inf01req000210
End Date :- 2024-07-26
Panel of service providers for the provision of spares, parts and consumables for the period of 3 years.
Tender No :- request for bid(rfb)gnt/sparts/02/2024-25
Location :- limpopo
End Date :- 2024-07-12
Once-off supply and elivery of reach stacker spare parts for vaalcon terminal
Tender No :- crac-jhb-46015/tfr/2024/04/0003/64471/rfq
Location :- free state
End Date :- 2024-05-10
The supply and delivery of spare parts and service
Tender No :- ms/2023/2024/014/951/c
Location :- kwazulu
End Date :- 2024-05-10
Once-off supply and elivery of reach stacker spare parts for vaalcon terminal
Tender No :- crac-jhb-46015/tfr/2024/04/0003/64471/rfq
Location :- gauteng
End Date :- 2024-05-06
Rfq215/2024 specialized spare parts for the repair of stage machinery
Tender No :- rfq215/2024 spare parts of stage machinery
Location :- western cape
End Date :- 2024-05-03