Mpumalanga Education Tenders 2025
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Appointment of a service provider to render an off-line curriculum application for subjects in grade 8 until 12 in the mpumalanga department of education for a period of three(3) years
Tender No :- edu/169/24/mp
End Date :- 2024-04-23
Appointment of professional service provider(s) for the review of standard designs of the mpumalanga department of education for a period of twelve (12) months (1) year
Tender No :- edu/168/24/m
End Date :- 2024-03-05
Appointment of professional service provider(s) for the review of standard designs of the mpumalanga department of education for a period of twelve (12) months (1) year
Tender No :- edu/168/24/m
End Date :- 2024-03-05
Appointment of a service provider (s) to supply and deliver cleaning and gardening material,tools and equipment for the mpumalanga department of education for a period of three ( 3) years
Tender No :- edu/167/23/mp
End Date :- 2023-11-20
Appointment of a services provider for the built environment professional service provider(s) for a period of three (3) years for the mpumalanga department of education
Tender No :- edu/153/23/mp re- advertisement
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Appointment of a service provider/s for debt collecting services in the mpumalanga department of education for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- edu/050/23/mp re-advertisement
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Appointment of service providers to carry out condition assessment of the mpumalanga department of education schools and administrative support infrastructure facilities in line with national education facilities management system (neims) prescripts/guidelines over a period of one (01) financial yea
Tender No :- edu/154/23/mp re- advertisement
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Appointment of a services provider for the built environment professional service provider(s) for a period of three (3) years for the mpumalanga department of education
Tender No :- edu/153/23/mp re- advertisement
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Appointment of service provider (s) for a period of three (03) years for the demolition and removal of redundant structures in identified school of the mpumalanga department of education
Tender No :- edu/164/23/mp
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Appointment of a service provider (s) for a period of three (3) years to supply ,deliver and install furniture to educational institutions of the mpumalanga department of education
Tender No :- edu/162/23/mp-1
End Date :- 2023-10-04
Appointment of a service provider (s) for a period of three (3) years to supply ,deliver and install furniture to educational institutions of the mpumalanga department of education
Tender No :- edu/166/23/mp
End Date :- 2023-10-04
Appointment of infrastructure term contractor(s) for the maintenance and infrastructure related works in all education facilities of the mpumalanga department of education for a period three years
Tender No :- edu/144/23/mp
End Date :- 2023-09-12