Mpofana Local Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Mpofana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located approximately 40km west of Piete More..
Mqula culvert bridge improvement in ward 04
Tender No :- mpo/04/2024
End Date :- 2024-05-24
Mpo/12/2023 construction of mzilanyoni gravel road in ward 04
Tender No :- mpo/12/2023
End Date :- 2023-10-27
Mpo/07/2023 supply and delivery of municipal
Tender No :- mpo/07/2023
End Date :- 2023-09-14
The rehabilitation of bruntville sport field in ward 3
Tender No :- mpo/06/2023
End Date :- 2023-08-10
Know About : Mpofana Local Municipality
The Mpofana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located approximately 40km west of Pietermaritzburg. It is bounded by three municipalities: uMngeni in the south uMshwathi in the east and Impendle in the west. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. The municipality benefits from its strategic position as it has easy access to rail KZN provincial roads and the N3 National Road. Almost 50% of the land in Mpofana has the potential for rural farming with products set for the international market. Mooi River is a small town that germinated from a small farm and then later became the principal node of the Mpofana Municipality when a railway line linking Durban with Johannesburg as well as the Drakensberg Mountains was established in order to cater for the needs of the farmers in the area. This suggests that Mpofana has great potential for development through tourism.

Contact Addresss of Mpofana Local Municipality
10 Claughton Terrace, Mooi River

Contact No of Mpofana Local Municipality
Tel : 033 263 1221
Fax : 033 263 1127