Network Printer Tenders in Africa 2025
1015 Network Printer Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Network Printer tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Lease of multifunctional network printers and supply, installation of automated voip telephone management system for period of three (3) years (re-advert)
Tender No :- rdm2022-002a4
Location :- dr ruth segomotsi mompati
End Date :- 2025-04-15
Supply and delivery of leased network printers and maintenance contracts for saldanha bay municipality for the period 01 july 2025 to 30 june 2028.
Tender No :- sbm 18/24/25
End Date :- 2025-01-17
Supply, delivery and installation of it equipment (projectors, industrial label printers, network points, accessories and assessment) for the eastern cape department of health for a period of 36 moths from service providers accredited on sita rfb2009/2022 sita rfb740-2020 sita 1183/2022.
Tender No :- scmu3-24/25- 0176-ho
End Date :- 2024-11-15
Lease of multifunctional network printers and supply, installation of automated voip telephone management system for period of three (3) years (re-advert)
Tender No :- rdm2022-002a3
End Date :- 2024-09-13
Addendum1-supply, deliver and installation of 22 x multifunctional network printers for a period of three years
Tender No :- t17/2024 addendum1
End Date :- 2024-06-24
Request for proposal to appoint a service provider to support sanedi with network printers for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- bid2123
End Date :- 2023-11-02
Appointment of a panel of accredited service providers for network switch infrastructure and wi-fi infrastructure to sita for a period of five (05) years
Tender No :- rfa 3078/2024
End Date :- 2025-04-15
Provision of ict network cabling services to johannesburg water for a period of 36 months on an as and when required basis
Tender No :- jw it 007/24
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2025-04-29
Kimberley prioritized network leak detection and repair (phase 2) - re-advert
Tender No :- bfi01/23/mkrp1b.
Location :- kimberley
End Date :- 2025-04-23
Maintenance and support of the existing substation and relay communication within drakenstein municipality electrical network area
Tender No :- ed5/2025
Location :- drakenstein
End Date :- 2025-04-24
Provision of a consultant to undertake pre-feasibility and front-end engineering studies for the new berth 210, expansion of tank farm, new pipe-racks with associated bulk services inclusive of a pipeline network masterplan at the port of richards bay.
Tender No :- tnpa/2025/01/0006/86470/rfp
Location :- richards bay
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver network cabling services, tracing and labelling for the trade & investment kwazulu-natal server room.
Tender No :- rfq202425/32
End Date :- 2025-03-28
Publication of names of bidders in respect of advertised competitive bids. the supply and delivery of a concrete 3d printer for a period of twelve (12) months.
Tender No :- mwp3018cx.
End Date :- 2025-04-07
Provision of ict network cabling services to johannesburg water for a period of 36 months on an as and when required basis
Tender No :- jw it 007/24
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2025-04-29
Supply and installation of new field hardware and maintenance of residential load management network (dsm project) for period ending 30 june 2028
Tender No :- ed2/2025
Location :- drakenstein
End Date :- 2025-04-08
Supply and delivery of network switch for kirkwood library
Tender No :- srvm-rfq 27/2025
Location :- sundays river valley
End Date :- 2025-03-31
Provision of a consultant to undertake pre-feasibility and front-end engineering studies for the new berth 210, expansion of tank farm, new pipe-racks with associated bulk services inclusive of a pipeline network masterplan at the port of richards bay
Tender No :- tnpa/2025/01/0006/86470/rfp.
Location :- richards bay
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Provision of ict network cabling services to johannesburg water for a period of 36 months on an as and when required basis
Tender No :- jwit011/24
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2025-04-29
Appointment of a service provider to provide a wan (wide area network) for kannaland municipality for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- kanna 03/2025
Location :- kannaland
End Date :- 2025-04-16
Appointment of a service provider for the procurement of furniture, printer, satellite dish, torches, pepper spray and handcuffs.
Tender No :- rfq27-02-2025
End Date :- 2025-03-25
Supply and installation of wlan for the gauteng head office - wireless local area network.
Tender No :- rfq- 371 2024/25
Location :- gauteng
End Date :- 2025-03-31
Kemp network load balancers subscription renewal
Tender No :- 0010540836
End Date :- 2025-04-11