Kareeberg Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Kareeberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme Dis More..
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Know About : Kareeberg Municipality
The Kareeberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by the ZF Mgcawu District and Siyathemba in the north Ubuntu in the south Emthanjeni in the east and the Namakwa District in the west. It is the second-largest municipality of the eight that make up the district accounting for 17% of its geographical area. The name originates from a mountain range in the region the Karee Mountains.

Contact Addresss of Kareeberg Municipality
Hanau Street, Carnarvon

Contact No of Kareeberg Municipality
Tel : 053 382 3012
Fax : 053 382 3142