Animal Medicine Tenders in Africa 2025
235 Animal Medicine Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Animal Medicine tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Request for supply and delivery of research consumables (animal medicine, heavy duty broom and gold line mining hose)
Tender No :- rfq-21/000368
End Date :- 2024-03-13
Panel three (03) service providers for supply and delivery of animal medicine feed and accessories for a period of three years on when and as required bases (re-advert).
Tender No :- scm: 044-2022-23
End Date :- 2024-01-23
Request for supply and delivery of animal medicine
Tender No :- rfq-21-000355
End Date :- 2023-12-22
Rqf animal medicine
Tender No :- rfq animal medicine
Location :- national
End Date :- 2023-10-31
Supply and delivery of animal medicine (dip) for veterinary services: joe gqabi district
Tender No :- jg-23/24-055
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Supply and delivery of animal medicine (ivermax) for veterinary services: joe gqabi district
Tender No :- jg-23/24-056
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Supply and delivery of animal medicine (dewormer) for veterinary services: joe gqabi district
Tender No :- jg-23/24-057
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Panel three (03) service providers for supply and delivery of animal medicine feed and accessories for a period of three years on when and as required bases.
Tender No :- scm: 044/2022/23
End Date :- 2023-08-02
Panel three (03) service providers for supply and delivery of animal medicine feed and accessories for a period of three years on when and as required bases.
Tender No :- scm: 044/2022/23
End Date :- 2023-08-02
The management of animal pound services and ancillary functions for drakenstein municipality for a period until 30 june 2028.
Tender No :- ps 4/2024
Location :- drakenstein
End Date :- 2025-04-08
The appointment of a profesional service provider for climate smart labs: infrastructure and equipment- at animal production institute.
Tender No :- rfp no: arc/61/03/2025
End Date :- 2025-04-03
The appointment of a profesional service provider for climate smart labs: infrastructure and equipment- at animal production institute.
Tender No :- rfp no: arc/61/03/2025
End Date :- 2025-04-03
The appointment of the consulting professional architectural service provider for the restoration and renovation of the existing feedlot and bull testing facilities at the animal production institute of the agricultural research council.
Tender No :- tender no: arc/62/03/2025
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the fisheries management branch of the department (dffe) /mlrf to supply and install an iot automation and surveillance system to remotely monitor water quality parameters and animal welfare in a fish broodstock system.
Tender No :- rfq0001058 (2024 2025)
End Date :- 2025-03-17
Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the fisheries management branch of the department of forestry, fisheries and the environment (dffe) /mlrf to supply and install an lot automation and surveillance system to remotely monitor water quality parameters and animal welfare in a fish br
Tender No :- rfq0001058
End Date :- 2025-03-17
Supply, delivery, repair and maintenance of vaccine fridges medicine fridges and freezers for various facilities within the city of cape town health directorate
Tender No :- 182s/2024/25
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-03-31
Supply, delivery, repair and maintenance of vaccine fridges, medicine fridges and freezers for various facilities within the city of cape town health directorate
Tender No :- 182s/2024/25
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-03-31
The appointment of a service provider /s for proposals of new facilities and renovations / enhancement of existing facilities for arc irene animal production and kgora training center
Tender No :- rfp no: arc/60/02/2025
End Date :- 2025-03-26
Request to appoint a service provider to provide the fisheries management branch of the department (dffe) /mlrf to provide aquatic animal health with two (2) 10kg buckets of virkon s viral disinfectants, two (2) of 2.5 litres 2-phenoxyethanol 99% and three (3) 10 ml ovaprim, three mentioned items wi
Tender No :- rfq 0001047
End Date :- 2025-03-06
Supply, delivery and offloading of animal pig feed further specifications attached on rfq document.
Tender No :- api012502rfq00002016
End Date :- 2025-02-26
Occupational medicine practitioner services for 36 months
Tender No :- rfq2025-hr041
End Date :- 2025-03-19
The appointment of a suitable and accredited security service provider to install the electronic access control system (eacs) at agricultural research council (arc) offices - animal production institute
Tender No :- tender no: arc/37/10/2024/2
End Date :- 2025-03-11
Request for quotation (rfq) to conduct in vivo toxicity and in vivo immunomodulatory studies of a herbal medicine on rat and/or vervet monkeys for a periof of 6 months
Tender No :- csir rfq 6454/04/03/2025
End Date :- 2025-03-04
Re-advertisement -appointment of a service provider for the provision of 11x animal telemetry tags for cetacean and penguin species for saeon egagasini office in cape town
Tender No :- nrf/saeon/spri/44/2024-25-b
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-03-07