Flavius Mareka Tvet College Tenders 2025
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Supply, service, install and repair plumbing services and plumbing consumables at the sasolburg sites: engineering studies campus, business studies campus, sport fields and central office
Tender No :- p08/24 plumb s
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver stationery and paper to the college
Tender No :- p07/24 stat
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply, service, install and repair plumbing services and plumbing consumables at moqhaka sites: kroonstad campus, mphohadi campus, derksen hostel and lentehof hostel
Tender No :- p06/24 plumb k
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver components for electronic control and digital electronics at sasolburg campus
Tender No :- p05/25 ecde
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply, rental to and delivery of gas bottles for the workshops in sasolburg sites
Tender No :- p04/24 gas
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver original ink cartridges to the college
Tender No :- p03/23 ink
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Render garden services at moqhaka sites - kroonstad campus, mphohadi campus, derksen hostel and lentehof hostel
Tender No :- t02/24 garden
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply maintenance on workshop machinery + tools to the college
Tender No :- p02/24 maint w/s
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply maintenance on workshop machinery + tools to the college
Tender No :- p02/24 maint w/s
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and delivery of machinery, tools & equipment for the following workshops: civil, electrical, plumbing & erd
Tender No :- p01/24 hard
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver original text books to the college
Tender No :- t03/24 books
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Flavius mareka tvet college is seeking to appoint a supplier to provide, install and support a learning management system (lms) best suitable to the flavius mareka tvet college. this lms should allow the college to create, deliver, and report on training courses and programs. shortlisted suppliers w
Tender No :- rfp01/24
End Date :- 2024-08-30
Supply of machinery, tools and equipment for the following workshops: civil, electrical & erd. jan 2024 to dec 2024 with the option to extend for another 2 years
Tender No :- t30/23 hardware
End Date :- 2023-10-13