Flavius Mareka Tvet College Tenders 2025
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Supply the development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of fire prevention and protection infrastructure (drencher and sprinkler systems and fire installation).(sf) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p21/24 (sf)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply demolition of buildings and engineering infrastructure and blasting. (se) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p20/24 (se)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply mechanical engineering works (me) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p19/24 (me)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply general building works (gb) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p18/24 (gb)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply electrical engineering works - infrastructure (ep) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p17/24 (ep)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply electrical engineering works - building (eb) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p16/24 (eb)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply civil engineering (ce) services to the college in any of the cidb-gradings
Tender No :- p15/24 (ce)
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver to the college corporate attire with embroidering as well as corporate printing for marketing purposes.
Tender No :- p13/24 corp
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver hair care consumables to the college
Tender No :- p12/24 hair care cons
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply and deliver hair care kits with tools and equipment to the college
Tender No :- p11/24 hair care kit
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply, service, install and repair electrical services and electrical consumables at moqhaka sites: kroonstad campus, mphohadi campus, derksen hostel and lentehof hostel
Tender No :- p10/24 elec k
End Date :- 2024-10-11
Supply, service, install and repair electrical services and electrical consumables at the sasolburg sites: engineering studies campus, business studies campus, sport fields and central office
Tender No :- p09/24 elec s
End Date :- 2024-10-11