Denel Soc Ltd Tenders 2025
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System maintenance & support system for hawk and gripen.
Tender No :- tnd-id010605
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Please quote for upgrade for humidity system and the cooling system/aircon at detonics block a explosives as per attached scope of work, on site quote compulsary
Tender No :- 365769
End Date :- 2025-03-14
1 x ariconditioning unit + instalation - to support 2x rooms ± 12 x 6 each (ducting already installed)
Tender No :- rfi 2025/01
End Date :- 2025-03-10
Supply & delivery of fc tape library with rail kits: 4 x fc lto 8 drives, minimum 40 slots
Tender No :- dg492/02/26/2025
End Date :- 2025-03-05
Supply & delivery of fc tape library with rail kits: 4 x fc lto 8 drives, minimum 40 slots and compitable lto 8 backup tapes as per addendum
Tender No :- dg492/02/26/2025
End Date :- 2025-03-05
Denel pmp is inviting via a competitive bidding process, suitable, qualified, reliable, experienced service providers with proven capabilities to supply the following chemicals to be tested and qualified for production use. 1. zinc phosphate accelerated make-up for steel drawing operations in 25 lit
Tender No :- 365657
End Date :- 2025-01-31