Bitou Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Bitou Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the far west of the Garden Rout More..
Supply & delivery of fire fighters protective gear for a period ending 30 june 2028.
Tender No :- scm/2025/116/comm
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-17
Rental of a franking machine for a period ending 30 june 2028.
Tender No :- scm/2025/124/corp
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-17
Re-advertisement of provision of security services for municipal sites for a period ending 30 june 2028.
Tender No :- scm/2025/127/comm
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-17
Supply & delivery of protective clothing for a period ending 30 june 2028
Tender No :- scm/2025/51/fin
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Proposed alienation (selling) of erven 993 and 1496, kranshoek for commercial development purposes.
Tender No :- scm/2025/112/edp
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Proposed alienation (selling) of erf 14, kurland for commercial development purposes.
Tender No :- scm/2025/113/edp
Location :- bitou
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Know About : Bitou Municipality
The Bitou Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the far west of the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered in the north by George Local Municipality in the south by the Indian Ocean in the east by the Eastern Cape Province and in the west by Knysna Local Municipality. It is the smallest municipality of the seven that make up the district accounting for only 4% of its geographical area.

Contact Addresss of Bitou Municipality
1 Sewell Street, Plettenberg Bay

Contact No of Bitou Municipality
Tel : 044 501 3000
Fax : 044 533 3485