Wind Power Tenders in Africa 2025
2369 Wind Power Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Wind Power tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Notice#4: postponement of the bid submission date for the gas independent power producer procurement programme (gasipppp) bid window 1 issued on 14 december 2023 (tender no: dmre/015/2023/24)
Tender No :- dmre/015/2023/24 update 2
End Date :- 2025-10-31
Request for proposal - establishment of an accredited wind training facility at komati power station.
Tender No :- mpkom11437gx
End Date :- 2025-02-06
Removal and disposal of general and hazardous waste at acacia, ankerlig, palmiet, gourikwa, gariep, vanderkloof and port rex power stations, sere windfarm and small hydros (ncora hydro electric station, mbashe hydro electric station, first and second falls hydro electric station - located in the eas
Tender No :- wcpk1059jcrr-regret letter
End Date :- 2025-01-31
Removal and disposal of general and hazardous waste at acacia, ankerlig, palmiet, gourikwa, gariep, vanderkloof and port rex power stations, sere windfarm and small hydros (ncora hydro electric station, mbashe hydro electric station, first and second falls hydro electric station - located in the eas
Tender No :- wcpk1059jcrr-award letter
End Date :- 2025-01-31
Design, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of wind measurements units at arnot, camden, grootvlei, hendrina and tutuka power stations.
Tender No :- mwp2678cx-r
End Date :- 2024-12-03
Design, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of wind measurements units at arnot, camden, grootvlei, hendrina and tutuka power stations.
Tender No :- mwp2678cx-r
End Date :- 2024-12-03
Appointment of transaction advisors to prepare a report on international best practices in management of the process of winding down long-term power purchase agreements and the development of a framework for implementation under the reipppp for a period of eighteen (18) months.
Tender No :- rfp185/2024
End Date :- 2024-11-25
Provision for design, supply, and installation of wind measurements units at komati power station for period of eighteen (18) months.
Tender No :- mpkom11257gx
End Date :- 2024-09-10
Design, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of wind measurements units at camden, grootvlei, hendrina and tutuka power stations.
Tender No :- mwp2678cx
End Date :- 2024-09-12
Provision for design, supply, and installation of wind measurements units at komati power station for period of eighteen (18) months.
Tender No :- mpkom11257gx
End Date :- 2024-09-10
Postponement of the bid submission date for the gas independent power producer procurement programme (gasipppp) bid window 1 issued on 14 december 2023 (tender no: dmre/015/2023/24)
Tender No :- dmre/015/2023/24 update
End Date :- 2025-03-25
power generation services: request for proposal from relevant industry service providers and developers for a comprehensive offshore wind energy farm feasibility study
Tender No :- ctt25917
End Date :- 2024-08-08
Procurement of service provider to undertake an independent review of the processes, findings and outcomes of the evaluations conducted in respect of bid windows under the independent power producer procurement programme
Tender No :- rfp085/2024
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-06-07
Rfi: power generation services: request for information from relevant industry service providers for a comprehensive offshore wind energy farm feasibility study
Tender No :- 5000005797
End Date :- 2024-05-17
The department of mineral resources and energy ("the department") formally invites interested parties to register prospective bids under the third bid window of the battery energy storage capacity independent power producers procurement programme (besipppp bid window 3).
Tender No :- dmre/022/2023/24
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-07-31
The department of mineral resources and energy ("the department") formally invites interested parties to register prospective bids under the third bid window of the battery energy storage capacity independent power producers procurement programme (besipppp bid window 3).
Tender No :- dmre/022/2023/24
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-07-31
Appointment of a legal transaction advisors for the battery energy storage independent power producers procurement programme (esipppp) for the evaluation and commercial & financial close phases of bid window 2 and bid window 3
Tender No :- rfp051/2024
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-04-15
Request for qualification and proposals (rfp) under the gas independent power producer procurement programme (gasipppp) bid window 1
Tender No :- dmre/015/2023/24
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-08-30
Request for qualification and proposals (rfp) under the renewable energy independent power producers' procurement programme (reipppp) seventh bid submission phase (bid window 7)
Tender No :- dmre/014/2023/24
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-04-30
Request for qualification and proposals (rfp) under the battery energy storage independent power producer procurement programme (besipppp) second bid submission phase (bid window 2)
Tender No :- dmre/016/2023/24
Location :- national
End Date :- 2024-04-30
Provision of cleaning services for period of 5 years at durbanville office, bella rosa office, ankerlig power station, acacia power station, palmiet power station, palmiet visitor's centre, port rex power station and sere windfarm
Tender No :- wcpk1095zm - regret letter
End Date :- 2028-11-30
Study into and report on international best practices in management of the process for winding down long-term power purchase agreements as well as a report on options for recycling and repurposing of key equipment.
Tender No :- rfp245/2023
Location :- national
End Date :- 2023-11-09
Legislative training for peaking generation over a period of 5 years (durbanville administrative office, cape town acacia power station, edgemead, cape town port rex power station, east london ankerlig 1, 2 & 3 power stations, atlantis gourikwa power station, mossel bay vanderkloof power station, no
Tender No :- wcpk1144lh
End Date :- 2023-11-02
Study into and report on international best practices in management of the process for winding down long-term power purchase agreements as well as a report on options for recycling and repurposing of key equipment.
Tender No :- rfp245/2023
Location :- national
End Date :- 2023-11-02
Legislative training for peaking generation over a period of 5 years (durbanville administrative office, cape town acacia power station, edgemead, cape town port rex power station, east london ankerlig 1, 2 & 3 power stations, atlantis gourikwa power station, mossel bay vanderkloof power station, no
Tender No :- wcpk1144lh
End Date :- 2023-11-02