Vaccines Tenders in Africa 2025
24 Vaccines Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Vaccines tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Supply and administration of twinrix vaccines to municipal employees for a 3 year period
Tender No :- smq36/24/25
Location :- swellendam
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Biological monitoring and supply of twinrix vaccines for capacity building department in zwartkopjes site
Tender No :- rfq 10409944.
End Date :- 2024-12-17
Logistics services for distribution of vaccines to all provinces in south africa and outside of south african boarders for a period of 3 years at onderstepoort biological products soc ltd
Tender No :- rfp/obp03/24/ns01
End Date :- 2024-12-09
Procurement of vaccines
Tender No :- req00000021
End Date :- 2024-04-19
Request for information rfi obp 02/23: suppliers/ co-packers, manufactures that have the experience and knowledge for the service of filling, freeze drying and capping of animal vaccines vials for a period of 2 years for onderstepoort biological products (obp)
Tender No :- obp rfi 02 23
End Date :- 2023-09-10
Supply and delivery of animal vaccines for veterinary services: joe gqabi district
Tender No :- jg-23/24-053
End Date :- 2023-08-07
Supply, delivery, repair and maintenance of vaccine fridges medicine fridges and freezers for various facilities within the city of cape town health directorate
Tender No :- 182s/2024/25
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-03-31
Supply, delivery, repair and maintenance of vaccine fridges, medicine fridges and freezers for various facilities within the city of cape town health directorate
Tender No :- 182s/2024/25
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-03-31
Design, supply & installation of two pharmaceutical grade processing/manufacturing tanks required at the south african vaccine producers (savp johannesburg) with service and maintenance contract for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- re-advert: rfb051/24/25
End Date :- 2025-02-18
Design, supply & installation of two pharmaceutical grade processing/manufacturing tanks required at the south african vaccine producers (savp johannesburg) with service and maintenance contract for a period of three (3) years.
Tender No :- rfb051/24/25
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2025-01-16
Panel of doctors to provide vaccinations and medical assessments
Tender No :- h004l2511rfq00174
End Date :- 2024-12-04
Provision of a pharmacovigilance or adverse drug reaction monitoring programme in respect of all medicine and vaccine usage in the western cape province, as well as a telephonic medicine information service for all health care workers in the western cape for a three (3) year period.
Tender No :- wcghsc0438/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-20
Appointment of a service provider to administer hepatitis a and b vaccinations to employees for umzinyathi district municipality
Tender No :- q04581
End Date :- 2024-11-19
Lsd vaccine: 3200 doses (100)
Tender No :- ovi012404rfq00000003
End Date :- 2024-04-29
Single-use vaccine production system for the preparation of the foot and mouth disease vaccine at the onderstepoort veterinary research institute of the agricultural
Tender No :- arc/29/12/2021/4
End Date :- 2024-03-14
Supply and delivery of foot and mouth disease (fmd) vaccine for limpopo department of agriculture and rural development
Tender No :- acdp 23/20
End Date :- 2024-02-19
Matatiele local municipality livestock improvement programme, dosing and vaccination of 26000 cattle in 26 wards
Tender No :- matat/2023/2024-031
End Date :- 2024-02-26
Appointment of service providers for the supply and delivery of medicine hepatitus vaccine
Tender No :- pr :10342338/1
End Date :- 2024-01-30
Procurment of single-use vaccine production system for the preparation of the foot and mouth disease vaccine at the onderstepoort veterinary research institute of the agricultural research council
Tender No :- arc/29/12/2021/3
End Date :- 2023-12-13
Request for quotation for : supply and delivery of medicine hepatitis vaccine
Tender No :- pr 10342338
End Date :- 2023-09-12
Wet engineering services for the foot and mouth disease vaccine production factory at ovi campus.
Tender No :- arc/07/08/2023
End Date :- 2023-09-29
Matatiele local municipality livestock improvement programme, dosing and vaccination of 26000 cattle in 26 wards
Tender No :- matat/2023/2024-46
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Matatiele local municipality livestock improvement programme, dosing and vaccination of 26000 cattle in 26 wards
Tender No :- matat/2023/2024-46
End Date :- 2023-08-28