Medical Services Tenders in Africa 2024

24240 Medical Services Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Medical Services tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
medical services
Tender No :- c044a2511rfq00151
End Date :- 2024-11-19
Request for quotation: icad emergency medical services
Tender No :- rfq/im/comms/icadems/746/2024/2025
End Date :- 2024-10-30
Rendering of medical services for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- hes-corp 03/2425
End Date :- 2024-11-08
Occupational medical services
Tender No :- ovi012408rfq00000031
End Date :- 2024-08-28
Provision of emergency medical services for a period of 12 months.
Tender No :-
End Date :- 2024-08-19
Request for quotation for supply and delivery of occupational medical services
Tender No :- sc012405req00000060.1
End Date :- 2024-08-13
Request for quotation for supply and delivery of occupational medical services
Tender No :- isc012405req00000060
End Date :- 2024-07-30
Provision of emergency medical services
Tender No :- iziko-adv/06/2024
Location :- western cape
End Date :- 2024-06-21
Privision of emergency medical services at matimba power station for a period of five years.
Tender No :- lpmat0091gx
Location :- limpopo
End Date :- 2024-05-30
Privision of emergency medical services at matimba power station for a period of five years.
Tender No :- lpmat0091gx
Location :- limpopo
End Date :- 2024-05-23
Provision of emergency medical services for a period of 4 months.
Tender No :-
End Date :- 2024-05-09