Hydraulic Power Tenders in Africa 2025
2280 Hydraulic Power Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Hydraulic Power tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Eastern operations: service & repairs of hydraulic power packs at ntshingwayo dam
Tender No :- wte-2443es
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Supply and deliver of hydraulic power packs as well as assy nose fastening as indicated in the invitation to tender under scope of work (refer page 4)
Tender No :- lp00157ab
End Date :- 2024-05-13
Supply and delivery of hydraulic power pack re - issue
Tender No :- eri/2023/tss/19
End Date :- 2023-09-05
Regret letter for for the supply and delivery of pneumatic & hydraulic tools for various power stations on as and when required basis for a period of 2 years
Tender No :- eri/2024/cs/16 regret letter
End Date :- 2025-02-06
Supply and delivery of ssc hydraulic equipment spares at tutuka power station - main stores for duration of 5 years
Tender No :- mptut10888gxr1
End Date :- 2025-03-17
Wckbg2627pm: for the once off supply and delivery of 6032 litres of oil: ehc fire resistant hydraulic 7071e to koeberg nuclear power station
Tender No :- wckbg2627pm
End Date :- 2024-12-12
Turbine control system hydraulic accumulator installation at lethabo power station for period of 3 years
Tender No :- mwp2649gx
Location :- lethabo
End Date :- 2024-08-29
Turbine control system hydraulic accumulator installation at lethabo power station for period of 3 years
Tender No :- mwp2649gx
Location :- lethabo
End Date :- 2024-08-29
The supply and delivery of pneumatic & hydraulic tools for various power stations on as and when required basis for a period of 2 years.
Tender No :- eri/2024/cs/16
End Date :- 2024-07-22
Letter to further extend validity period of tender - wckbg1162ab: the supply and delivery of fyrquel ehc fire resistant hydraulic oil to koeberg nuclear power station
Tender No :- wckbg1162ab - further extend validity period
End Date :- 2024-07-31
Letter to extend validity period of tender - wckbg1162ab: the supply and delivery of fyrquel ehc fire resistant hydraulic oil to koeberg nuclear power station
Tender No :- wckbg1162ab - extend validity period
End Date :- 2024-07-11
To assess the market for potential suppliers of hydraulic motor control for 132kv high voltage circuit breaker to be delivered at steenbras pumped hydro power station within the city of cape town
Tender No :- rfi17/2023/24
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2024-02-29
Supply and delivery of ssc hydraulic equipment spares at tutuka power station - main stores for duration of 5 years
Tender No :- mptut10888gx
End Date :- 2023-11-30
Maintenance of hydraulic piezometers at steenbras power station
Tender No :- sg12400013
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2023-10-06
Supply and delivery to matimba power station of hydraulic fluid on a once-off basis
Tender No :- lpmat0050gx
End Date :- 2023-09-04
Supply and delivery to matimba power station of hydraulic fluid on a once-off basis
Tender No :- lpmat0050gx
End Date :- 2023-09-04
For the replacement of the security fence project at camden power station for the period of 12 months
Tender No :- e1011gxmpcam
Location :- gert sibande
End Date :- 2025-04-29
The provision of home work home employee transportation service and rentals from various pick-up points at standerton to tutuka power station on an as and when required basis over a five (05) year period
Tender No :- eri/2025/tgs/04/rr
End Date :- 2025-04-15
Provision of industrial horticulture service to properties and medupi power station (5 years) at medupi power station
Tender No :- e1058gxlpmed
End Date :- 2025-04-07
For provision of ground and surface water monitoring services for a period of 60 months at camden power station.
Tender No :- e1012gxmpcam
Location :- gert sibande
End Date :- 2025-04-30
The provision of supply and installation for water used license flowmeters at grootvlei power station for a period of 12 months.
Tender No :- e1080gxmpgro
End Date :- 2025-04-15
Sewer hydraulic modelling software
Tender No :- rfqjw023ns25
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2025-04-01