Attendance System Tenders in Africa 2025
3678 Attendance System Tender are matched from various African Government and Local Tendering Authority & Private companies. Download Attendance System tender document, to view the actual tender requirement.
Suitably qualified service providers interested in implementing a time and attendance system to the university of pretoria, as specified in the tender document and subject to the terms and conditions as set out herein, are invited to tender.
Tender No :- rfp-202502-00322
Location :- pretoria
End Date :- 2025-03-12
Re-advertisement: provision of the biometric fingerprint time and attendance system
Tender No :- co0022410rfq00000002/2
End Date :- 2025-02-17
Provision of the biometric fingerprint time and attendance system
Tender No :- co0022410rfq00000002
End Date :- 2024-11-04
Supply and installation of time and attendance system for a period of 3 years.
Tender No :- ict/setc2024/2025-mhlm
End Date :- 2024-11-06
Specifications for a time and attendance system for the university of pretoria
Tender No :- rfi-202404-00320
Location :- pretoria
End Date :- 2024-05-24
Supply, installation of a biometric access control and time and attendance system (ecsa)
Tender No :- ecsa/rfp06/2023
Location :- johannesburg
End Date :- 2023-11-30
Rental, installation and maintenance of a time and attendance system with bio metrics access control at umvoti municipality for the period of 36 months
Tender No :- t2023/07/24/rimbac
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-04
Rental, installation and maintenance of a time and attendance system with bio metrics access control at umvoti municipality for the period of 36 months
Tender No :- t2023/07/24/rimbac
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-04
Rental ,installation and maintenance of a time and attendance system with biometrics access control at umvoti municipality for the period of 36 months
Tender No :- t2023/07/24/rimbac
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-04
Rfq/24/25/40/b professional services: fire protection system engineer for our central province - bloemfontein annex building please find the following as reference: the objective is to secure services of a professional service provider (psp) to conduct an assessment of the fire protection systems on
Tender No :- rfq/24/25/40/b
Location :- free state
End Date :- 2024-06-26
Rfq/24/25/41/b professional services: fire protection system engineer for our central province - bethlehem area office please find the following as reference: the objective is to secure services of a professional service provider (psp) to conduct an assessment of the fire protection systems on a lum
Tender No :- rfq/24/25/41/b
Location :- free state
End Date :- 2024-06-26
Gauteng: witspos mail centre germiston office of exchange (germiston mail centre) & super hub (xps) please find the following as reference: the three [3] branches within the wits gauteng region the south african post office requires a supplier to do professional services: fire protection system engi
Tender No :- rfq/24/25/07/b
Location :- gauteng
End Date :- 2024-06-19
Rfq/24/25/08/b professional services: fire protection system engineer - cape mail & bellville post office cape mail centre is south african post office western cape region domestic and international mail sorting centre/ warehouse, situated at cnr. mail & showground, epping industrial, cape town. bel
Tender No :- rfq/24/25/08/b
Location :- western cape
End Date :- 2024-06-21
Gauteng: witspos mail centre germiston office of exchange (germiston mail centre) & super hub (xps) please find the following as reference: the three [3] branches within the wits gauteng region the south african post office requires a supplier to do professional services: fire protection system engi
Tender No :- rfq/24/25/07/b
Location :- gauteng
End Date :- 2024-06-19
Proposal for installation and maintenance of time and attendance with biometrics access control, hr life cycle management system, strategic cctv and alarm installation for one (1) year six (6) months
Tender No :- mhlm/scm/26/2023/2024 re-advert
Location :- north west
End Date :- 2024-05-27
The provision of scheduled maintenance and repairs of the attendance to the integrated perimeter fence and access control system, fuel oil offloading bay cctv camera surveillance system, weighbridge cctv camera surveillance system, procurement building cctv camera system, ash plant cctv camera surve
Tender No :- mpgro11011gx
Location :- mpumalanga
End Date :- 2024-05-09
Proposal for installation, maintenance and monitoring of time and attendance with biometrics access control, hr life cycle management system, strategic cctv and alarm installation for one (1) year nine (9) months
Tender No :- mhlm/scm/26/2023/2024
Location :- north west
End Date :- 2024-04-16
Tender no. mn 21/2023 - appointment of service provider for supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of staff time and attendance clocking system for a period of three years- for more info ref to attached
Tender No :- mn 21-2023
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-06
Procurement of global navigation satellite system (gnss): one (1) base, two (2) rovers, the associated processing software and accessories:
Tender No :- scm/1242/g/2024-2025
End Date :- 2025-02-27
Procurement of global navigation satellite system (gnss): one (1) base, two (2) rovers, the associated processing software and accessories
Tender No :- scm/1242/g/2024-2025
Location :- nelson mandela bay
End Date :- 2025-02-27
Supply, delivery, and installation of a vhf dmr digital two-way radio communication system, with a full-service maintenance contract for a period of 36 months, rent to own
Tender No :- emlm 25/2025
Location :- elias motsoaledi
End Date :- 2025-02-14
The supply and installation of cooling water pump discharge hydraulic operated weight assisted/ auto close valves system spares and maintenance services for a period of 10 months.
Tender No :- mpkri11460gx
End Date :- 2025-03-05
Implementation of a severe weather early warning monitoring system pilot project for the area of buffalo city metropolitan municipality.
Tender No :- rfq/ps&es/2024-25/304
Location :- buffalo city
End Date :- 2025-02-18
Appointment of a service provider to supply, install, operation support and maintenance of an advanced public transport management system (aptms) for the integrated rapid public transport network (irptn) from the date of award until 30 june 2027
Tender No :- a-ict 01-2025
Location :- ekurhuleni
End Date :- 2025-03-12