Eskom Holding Soc Ltd has published tender for the supply and delivery of personal protection equipment and workwear (ppe) for a period of three (03) years for transmission northern grid sites (limpopo section and north west section). non-compulsory clarification conducted on (microsoft teams) mst date: 02 august 2023 time: 10h00am to 12h00pm link: join on your computer, mobile app or room device click here to join the meeting meeting id: 344 081 855 870 passcode: pazkgi download teams | join on the web tenderers must confirm their intention to attend by sending an email to five (5) days before the meeting date for consolidation. note: tenderers to do regular checks on the eskom tender bulletin for any tender addendums, as all clarifications pertaining to this tender will be uploaded on that platform. it is the responsibility of the tenderer to check the tender bulletin for updates and to ensure their response to the tender provides for information communicated also through the tender bulletin tenders are to be delivered to the following address on the stipulated closing date and time: eskom holding soc ltd the tender office millennium building 90 hans van rensburg street polokwane limpopo eskom will not take any responsibility for any late submissions as a result of non-compliance to the tender delivery requirements nb:clarification documents uploaded , technical requirements folder, nec & boq revised.. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.