Ugu Disctrict Munucipality has published farm isonti low-cost housing water and sanitation scheme-phase 2: consruction of 4no sewer pump stations, 160 diameter 3km steel rising main, 3km 160 diameter class 16 upvc gravity main and installation of associated mechanical and electrical components to 4no. sewer pumpstations and 1no. water pump station. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Our Id : 455122157
: farm isonti low-cost housing water and sanitation scheme-phase 2: consruction of 4no sewer pump stations, 160 diameter 3km steel rising main, 3km 160 diameter class 16 upvc gravity main and installation of associated mechanical and electrical components to 4no. sewer pumpstations and 1no. water pump station
Authority : ugu disctrict munucipality
Tender No : UGU-08-1663-2024
Location : Refer Document
Due Date : 2024-08-30
Publish Date : 08 Aug 2024
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