South African Police Service (saps) has published construction of khubvi new police station: limpopo province compulsory clarification meeting compulsory clarification meeting to be held on 2025-03-18 at 11:00, khubvi community hall, khubvi village, limpopo province. direction can be obtained from lt colonel tshiredo on 079 875 7861. latecomers will not be allowed. cidb grading required 1. bidders must have a cidb grading of 7gb (general building works) or higher. 2. bidders must obtain a minimum functionality score of 60% and above will be considered and further evaluated in terms of price and preference. 3. please send competent representatives to obtain critical important information. please take note!! documents can be downloaded and printed from saps website and national treasury e-tender portal website no hard copy documemts will be issued to the bidders.. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.