Overstrand Municipality Tenders 2025
Stay updated with the latest tenders and RFQs from the "Overstrand Municipality". Download detailed tender notices (NIT) and receive timely tender alerts directly to your inbox with "Overstrand Municipality" Free TenderAlerts.The Overstrand Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Overberg District More..
The compilation and maintenance of the general and supplementary valuation rolls for the financial years 1 july 2025 to 30 june 2030
Tender No :- sc2537/2024
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-04-25
Lease, management and maintenance of erf 1179 hawston (situated on the corner of woodlands road and mill street, hawston) as a community facility for a lease period of 9 (nine) years and 11 (eleven) months
Tender No :- sc2565/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Appointment of panel of attorneys for the rendering of conveyancing and notary services for a period ending 30 june 2028
Tender No :- sc2559/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-04-04
Supply and delivery of streetlight christmas motifs
Tender No :- sc2564/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Provision of graphic design services
Tender No :- sc2547/2024
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Lease, management and maintenance of a portion of erf 462 franskraalstrand (strandveld museum) as a small-scale tourist business for a lease period of 9 (nine) years and 11 (eleven) months
Tender No :- sc2558/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-03-14
Lifesaving services for beaches, swimming areas and swimming pools in the overstrand area
Tender No :- sc2530/2024
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-03-07
Supply and delivery of pique moisture management golfers t-shirts
Tender No :- sc2567/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-02-28
Online subscription for access to legal information for a contract period of 12 months
Tender No :- sc2566/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-02-21
Supply, deliver and install of gas geysers at onrus caravan park
Tender No :- sc2528/2024
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-02-14
Reseal, upgrading and rehabilitation of roads in overstrand for a contract period ending 30 june 2028
Tender No :- sc2556/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-02-12
Supply and delivery of office furniture
Tender No :- sc2553/2025
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-02-04
Additions to the electrical department building for new offices, onrus
Tender No :- sc2538/2024
Location :- overstrand
End Date :- 2025-01-31
Provision and administration of an electricity prepayment vending system for a contract period ending 30 june 2028
Tender No :- sc2546/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-13
Supply and delivery of herbicides, pesticides and other horticultural/agricultural remedies to the overstrand municipality for the period ending 30 june 2027
Tender No :- sc2548/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-13
Know About : Overstrand Municipality
The Overstrand Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Overberg District in the Western Cape Province. It borders the Indian Ocean in the south having a vast stretch of coastline. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district making up 14% of its geographical area. The seat of Overstrand is Hermanus. Ultimately its unique offerings of the ultimate experience in land-based whale watching and shark cage diving pristine Blue Flag beaches excellent wine industry and top-class restaurants and accommodation make it an attractive tourist destination with a variety of activities.
Contact Addresss of Overstrand Municipality
Overstrand Civic Centre, Magnolia Street, Hermanus
Contact No of Overstrand Municipality
Tel : 028 313 8000
Fax : 028 312 1894
The Overstrand Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Overberg District in the Western Cape Province. It borders the Indian Ocean in the south having a vast stretch of coastline. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district making up 14% of its geographical area. The seat of Overstrand is Hermanus. Ultimately its unique offerings of the ultimate experience in land-based whale watching and shark cage diving pristine Blue Flag beaches excellent wine industry and top-class restaurants and accommodation make it an attractive tourist destination with a variety of activities.
Contact Addresss of Overstrand Municipality
Overstrand Civic Centre, Magnolia Street, Hermanus
Contact No of Overstrand Municipality
Tel : 028 313 8000
Fax : 028 312 1894