Nama Khoi Local Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Nama Khoi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated on the north-western side of More..
Repair of flood damage at various sites within the nama khoi local municipal area
Tender No :- bid/nc062/11/2024-2025
Location :- nama khoi
End Date :- 2025-03-10
Serevicing of fire extinguishers in nama khoi municipal area
Tender No :- q/nc062/02/2024-2025
End Date :- 2024-12-02
Refurbishment of nababeep waste water treatment works - civil works
Tender No :- bid/nc062/10/2024-2025
End Date :- 2024-11-29
Okiep vaalhoek sewer reticulatyion network
Tender No :- bid/nc062/02/2024/2025
End Date :- 2024-11-15
Procurement of banking services for a period of five (5) years to nama khoi municipality
Tender No :- bid/nc062/22/2023-2024
End Date :- 2024-06-25
Know About : Nama Khoi Local Municipality
The Nama Khoi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated on the north-western side of the Northern Cape Province in the Namakwa District. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district. Nama and Khoisan people occupied this area for hundreds of years. The town of Springbok is the administrative centre. Springbok is the most densely populated area is close to the N7 and functions as the sub-regional centre for administrative commercial and higher-order social facilities. Mining used to form the backbone of the economy with tourism being seen as the new frontier for economic development.

Contact Addresss of Nama Khoi Local Municipality
4 Namakwa Street, Springbok

Contact No of Nama Khoi Local Municipality
Tel : 027 718 8100
Fax : 027 712 1635