Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality Tenders 2025
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Appointment of panel of service providers for the provision of specialised legal services for lepelle-nkumpi municipality as and when required for a period of three (3) years - re-advertisement
Tender No :- lnm 061/2024/2025 re-advertisement
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-16
Appointment of a service provider for the processing, mailing, sms of monthly statements and information notices for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm077/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Appointment of two (2) service providers for debt collection agencies for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm076/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of traffic uniforms and name tags for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm071
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-11
Appointment of a service provider for road marking services within lepelle-nkumpi municipal area
Tender No :- lnm075/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of tw (2) service providers for hiring of plants for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm074/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of two (2) service providers for the supply and delivery of readymix concrete for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm073/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of three (3 ) service providers for supply and delivery of road and stormwater maintenance materials for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm072/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-04-10
Appointment of a professional consultant for development of business continuity plan - re-advertisement
Tender No :- lnm093/2022/23
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-21
Supply and delivery, of laptops, desktop computers, tablets, various computer equipment for lepelle - nkumpi local municipality on an as-and- when required basis for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- lnm070/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-21
Appointment of a professional service provider for preparation of annual financial statements (afs) for a period of three (03) years.
Tender No :- lnm068/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-21
Appointment of a professional service provider for maintenance and updating of fixed asset register for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- lnm067/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-21
Appointment of a service provider for servicing and maintenance of fire fighting equipments for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- lnm058/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Appointment of panel of service providers for provision of psychological services for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- lnm060/2024/25
Location :- lepelle-nkumpi
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Appointment of service provider for supply ,leasing and maintenance of photocopy machines for a period of (3)three years
Tender No :- lnm062/2024/25
End Date :- 2025-03-20