Kwazulu Natal Public Works (head Office) Tenders 2024
245 Kwazulu Natal Public Works (head Office) Tenders found. View complete tender details and tender notices (NIT) for FREE. Get tender corrigendum updates. Download Kwazulu Natal Public Works (head Office) Tenders Document (NIT) and actual tender requirement.
Phase 14 storm damaged programme: repair and renovation to storm damaged schools throughout the province of kwa-zulu natal: north coast region: cluster 46 emadulwini primary school: open bids
Tender No :- zntu 04207w- wims 065943
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-05
Phase 14 storm damaged programme: repair and renovation to storm damaged schools throughout the province of kwa-zulu natal: midlands region: cluster 120 thembumzamo primary school: open bids
Tender No :- zntl 04778w- wims 063822
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-05
Phase 14 storm damaged programme: repair and renovation to storm damaged schools throughout the province of kwa-zulu natal: midlands region: cluster 112 cosh primary school: open bids
Tender No :- zntl 04776w- wims 063831
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-09-05
Zntd05008w:wims 073149:kwazulu natal: department of health: stanger: general justice gizenga mpanza regional hospital: the appointment of mechanical engineer: replacement of surgical and medical ward water cooled chillers with air cooled chillers.
Tender No :- zntd05008w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-30
Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for supply and letting of suitable office accommodation for the department of public works: kwazulu-natal on behalf of the department of agriculture and rural development: stanger: procurement of a suitable office of the extent of 546mē plus
Tender No :- znt03069
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-29
Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for supply and letting of suitable office accommodation for the department of public works: kwazulu-natal on behalf of the department of cooperative governance and traditional affairs: stanger: ilembe district offices: procurement of a suitab
Tender No :- znt03071w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-29
King dinuzulu hospital: completion project and alterations and additions to the existing star shaped ward and ground floor of the existing tuberculosis multi-storey complex.
Tender No :- zntd04644w wims 062709
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Madadeni hospital - replacement of reservoir tank (completion contract).
Tender No :- wims 078856
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-28
Zntd05360w: wims 077449: kzn: department of transport: ethekwini region: durban: dltc rossburgh : specialized temporary parkhomes facilities. cidb grading:5gb or higher
Tender No :- zntd05360w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-25
Zntd0335w :wims068948:kzn:department of education: ethekwini region: egugwini: nyoni primary school :storm damage programme phase 16 cidb grading: 4gb or higher
Tender No :- zntd05335w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-24
Zntd05372w: wims 053859:kzn :department of co-operative governance and traditional affairs :ethekwini region :ndwedwe :hlophe traditional court: rehabilitation and refurbishment. cidb grading:3gb or higher
Tender No :- zntd05372w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-24
Zntd05319w: wims 077301:kzn: department of health: ethekwini region: umlazi: prince mshiyeni memorial hospital: gateway clinic :replace the entire roof covering : re-advertisement (design and build). cidb grading :3gb or higher
Tender No :- zntd05319w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-24
Phase 14 storm damaged programme: repair and renovation to storm damaged schools throughout the province of kwa-zulu natal: north coast region: cluster 43 ntumbeni primary school: open bids
Tender No :- zntu 04205w: wims 063364
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-24
Zntd05372w: wims 053859:kzn :department of co-operative governance and traditional affairs :ethekwini region :ndwedwe :hlophe traditional court: rehabilitation and refurbishment. cidb grading:3gb or higher
Tender No :- zntd05372w
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-24
Phase 14 storm damaged programme: repair and renovation to storm damaged schools throughout the province of kwa-zulu natal: north coast region: cluster 21 khishwa primary school: open bids
Tender No :- zntu 04197w: wims063474
Location :- kwazulu natal
End Date :- 2023-08-23