Kwazulu Natal Cooperative Governance And Traditional Affairs Tenders 2025
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Appointment of a service provider to provide license, support and maintenance of sage pastel system for traditional councils in kwazulu-natal for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2058/2024 lg
End Date :- 2025-04-09
Appointment of a service provider to provide license, support and maintenance of sage pastel system for traditional councils in kwazulu-natal for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2058/2024 lg
End Date :- 2025-04-09
Establishment of a panel of service providers to roll out priority training programmes to councillors municipal officials department officials and institutions of traditional leaders for a three-year period
Tender No :- znt 2057/2024 lg
End Date :- 2025-02-25
Appointment of a travel management company to provide travel management services for the department for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2055/2024 lg
End Date :- 2025-01-15
Appointment of a service provider to provide pest control services to cogta buildings for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2054/2024 lg
End Date :- 2025-01-15
Procurement of the services of an industrial psychologist
Tender No :- reqa62414
End Date :- 2024-12-02
Appointment of a panel of service providers for development, planning, digitisation and implementation of infrastructure grants and other infrastructure programmes
Tender No :- znt 2056/2024 lg
End Date :- 2024-11-29
Appointment of panel of legal practitioners for the department of co-operative governance and traditional affairs
Tender No :- znt 2053/2024 lg
End Date :- 2024-10-30
Appointment of panel of legal practitioners for the department of co-operative governance and traditional affairs
Tender No :- znt 2053/2024 lg
End Date :- 2024-10-30
Appointment of a panel of service providers to be appointed to render armed static protection security services to the department
Tender No :- znt 2052/2024 lg
End Date :- 2024-10-01
Appointment of a service provider/s ro render cleaning , gardening and hygiene services on a contractual basis for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2047/2023 lg
End Date :- 2024-09-19
Appointment of a service provider to develop an integrated disaster management plan
Tender No :- znt 2050/2024 lg
End Date :- 2024-06-06
Appointment of a service provider to provide pest control and fumigation services to all cogta buildings for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2046/2023 lg
End Date :- 2024-06-05
Appointment of a service provider to conduct wellness screening and psycho social care and support for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- znt 2048/2023 lg
End Date :- 2024-05-10