Kopanong Local Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Kopanong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Xhariep District of More..
Gariep dam: maintenance of waste water treatment works.
Tender No :- klm/gar/mwwtw/24/25 - erratum
End Date :- 2024-05-10
Gariep dam: maintenance of waste water treatment works.
Tender No :- klm/gar/mwwtw/24/25
End Date :- 2024-05-03
Appointment of a contractor to upgrade 3km pipeline and pump station intrompsburg.
Tender No :- klm/tpr/3km/oct/23
End Date :- 2023-11-22
Upgrading of philippolis sports facility (re-advert).
Tender No :- klm/phil/usf:2023
End Date :- 2023-11-22
Appointment of a contractor to upgrade 3km pipeline and pump station intrompsburg.
Tender No :- klm/tpr/3km/oct/23
End Date :- 2023-11-22
Know About : Kopanong Local Municipality
The Kopanong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Xhariep District of the Free State Province. It is the largest of the three municipalities in the district making up almost half of its geographical area. Basic agricultural products are exported from the area for processing and re-imported into the area as consumer products. Historical events that took place in the municipality aspects of the natural and man-made environment and local activities may form the basis for promoting tourism as a significant economic activity. Some of these events and man-made and natural environment aspects are: Lake Gariep and the Gariep Water Festival; the game reserve at Lake Gariep; Jagersfontein Mine; the Tiger Project in Philippolis; the Orange River Ravine from the Gariep Dam wall to the PK le Roux Dam wall; battlefields of significant battles conducted during the Anglo-Boer War e.g. Mostert’s Hoek; Philippolis Witblits Festival; historical buildings in Philippolis e.g. the Dutch Reformed Church library old jail the house where Lourens van der Post was born Adam Koks house (the Griqua leader) and a kraal and structure where gunpowder was kept; and Fauresmith horse endurance run. The name is a Sesotho word meaning meeting place or where people are invited. The name earmarks unity and seeks to encourage cooperation.

Contact Addresss of Kopanong Local Municipality
20 Louw Street, Trompsburg

Contact No of Kopanong Local Municipality
Tel : 051 713 9200
Fax : 051 713 0292