Knysna Local Municipality Tenders 2025

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The Knysna Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District More..
Knysna cbd emergency sewer rehabilitation
Tender No :- t 27 of 2023/24
End Date :- 2024-03-08
Provision of security services for a period of three years
Tender No :- t25 of 2023/24
End Date :- 2024-01-19
Supply and delivery of vehicle spare parts for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- t18 of 2023/24
End Date :- 2023-10-25
Lease of vehicles on an as-and-when required for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- t20 of 2023/24
End Date :- 2023-10-25
Amendment of the knysna municipal spatial development framework (msdf).
Tender No :- t 13 of 2023/24
End Date :- 2023-10-04
Know About : Knysna Local Municipality
The Knysna Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. Adjacent municipalities include George Local Municipality to the north-west and Bitou Local Municipality to the east. The municipality is also bordered by the Indian Ocean in the south. It is one of the smallest municipalities of the seven that make up the district accounting for only 5% of its geographical area.

Contact Addresss of Knysna Local Municipality
5 Clyde Street, Knysna

Contact No of Knysna Local Municipality
Tel : 044 302 6300
Fax : 044 302 6333