Energy And Water Sector Education And Training Authority Tenders 2025
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Provision for the development and implementation of an ebusiness solution (integreat) on odoo platform address the gap for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- ewseta/rfp/02/2024-25.
End Date :- 2025-04-17
Provision for the development and implementation of an ebusiness solution (integreat) on odoo platform address the gap for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- ewseta/rfp/02/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-04-08
Appointment of an interim quality assurance certificate administrator for a period of six (6) months.
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/124/2024
End Date :- 2025-03-20
Appointment of an interim marketing and strategic communications manager for an eight (8) month period from 1 april 2025 subject to a one month termination notice
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/116/2024
End Date :- 2025-03-17
Supply and delivery of stamps and collection register books
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/111/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-03-14
Provision of an outsourced interim project finance controller for a period of eight(08) months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/118/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-03-07
Provision for an outsourced interim financial accounting manager for a period of six months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/110/2024
End Date :- 2025-03-03
Provision for an outsourced interim financial accounting manager for a period of six months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/110/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-03-03
Provision for an outsourced interim supply chain manager for a period of six (06) months (subject to a one month termination notice period)
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/109/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-03-03
Provision for cleaning services at the ewseta provincial office situated in cape town for a period of twelve (12) months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/108/2024-25
Location :- cape town
End Date :- 2025-02-20
Appointment of three (03)x interim quality assurance certificate administrators for a period of six (6) months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/096/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-14
Appointment of a professional service provider to support supply chain management (scm) on an adhoc basis and other support services for a three (03) years
Tender No :- ewseta/rfp/01/2024-25
End Date :- 2025-02-14
Appointment of a professional service provider to support supply chain management on an adhoc basis and other support services for three (03) years
Tender No :- ewseta/rfp/01/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-14
Ewseta/rfq/107/2024 - provision for cleaning services at ewseta gauteng head office for a period of twelve (12) months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/107/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-12
Provision for cleaning services at ewseta gauteng head office for a period of twelve (12) months
Tender No :- ewseta/rfq/107/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-12