Emalahleni Local Municipality Tenders 2025
Stay updated with the latest tenders and RFQs from the "Emalahleni Local Municipality". Download detailed tender notices (NIT) and receive timely tender alerts directly to your inbox with "Emalahleni Local Municipality" Free TenderAlerts.The Emalahleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the north-eastern part of More..
Appointment of a panel of electrical service providers to be on standby for the installation, maintenance work and repairs of electrical infrastructure for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- elm 24-25/08/03
End Date :- 2024-09-09
Appointment of a panel of service providers for the supply, delivery and provision of services for repairs and maintenance of municipal plant and fleet as and when required for a period of 3 years
Tender No :- elm 24-25/08/05
End Date :- 2024-09-09
Panel of service providers for the supply, strip and repair of pumps, maintenance of pumps, mechanical equipment and electrical motors as and when required for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- elm 24-25/08/02
End Date :- 2024-09-09
Appointment of a service provider for the supply, delivery and installation of blue lights and dash lights (once-off)
Tender No :- rfq: 02/08-2024/2025
End Date :- 2024-08-12
Appointment of a service provider for the proclamation of township and beacon verification of siyathuthuka extension 13
Tender No :- rfq: 01/08-2024/2025
End Date :- 2024-08-08
Appointment of a panel of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of electrical spares, material and testing equipment for a period of 36 months
Tender No :- elm 24-25/07/03
End Date :- 2024-07-19
Appointment of a professional service provider for water quality monitoring analysis for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- elm 24-25/07/04
End Date :- 2024-07-19
Appointment of a panel of firms of legal practitioners to provide legal services for emakhazeni local municipality for a period of 36 months as and when required
Tender No :- elm 24-25/07/01
End Date :- 2024-07-19
Provision of ict maintenance and support services for a contract period of three (3) years
Tender No :- elm 24-25/07/02
End Date :- 2024-07-19
Appointment of a panel of service providers for the supply and delivery of water and sewer spares as and when required for a period of three (03) years
Tender No :- elm 24-25/07/05
End Date :- 2024-07-19
Provision for the multi-utility online vending system including third-party, tid and revenue enhancement of electrical vending services for 3 years
Tender No :- bid number: elm/13/05/2024t
End Date :- 2024-06-25
Appointment of panel of three (3) to seven (7) electrical service providers (design and construct) for the electrification of villages in emalahleni local municipality for a period of thirty- six months (36)
Tender No :- bid number:elm/2/02/2024t
End Date :- 2024-06-25
Appointment of a professional service provider for the provision of data management solutions and data verification system for a period of 3 years
Tender No :- elm 23-24/05/02
End Date :- 2024-06-14
Provision of debt collection services for emakhazeni local municipality for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- elm 23-24/05/04
End Date :- 2024-06-07
Appointment of electrical contractor for the electrification of houses in madala township
Tender No :- elm 23-24/05/01
End Date :- 2024-05-28
Know About : Emalahleni Local Municipality
The Emalahleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the north-eastern part of the Chris Hani District Municipality in the Eastern Cape. It is one of six municipalities in the district. The municipality was established during 2000 and comprises three rural towns with more than 200 villages. Much of the municipal area was formerly in the Transkei. The quality of life in the rural villages is generally poor marked by poverty and lack of access to services and amenities. Unemployment is high and most households rely on social grants and remittances from family members working elsewhere. Agriculture is limited to low-level subsistence farming producing enough maize for personal use traditional livestock farming and sorghum production which is formalised and produced for the market. Wool production is one of the upcoming sources of income in the area for the emerging communal farmers.
Contact Addresss of Emalahleni Local Municipality
37 Indwe Road, Cacadu
Contact No of Emalahleni Local Municipality
Tel : 087 808 0905
Fax : 047 878 0112
The Emalahleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the north-eastern part of the Chris Hani District Municipality in the Eastern Cape. It is one of six municipalities in the district. The municipality was established during 2000 and comprises three rural towns with more than 200 villages. Much of the municipal area was formerly in the Transkei. The quality of life in the rural villages is generally poor marked by poverty and lack of access to services and amenities. Unemployment is high and most households rely on social grants and remittances from family members working elsewhere. Agriculture is limited to low-level subsistence farming producing enough maize for personal use traditional livestock farming and sorghum production which is formalised and produced for the market. Wool production is one of the upcoming sources of income in the area for the emerging communal farmers.
Contact Addresss of Emalahleni Local Municipality
37 Indwe Road, Cacadu
Contact No of Emalahleni Local Municipality
Tel : 087 808 0905
Fax : 047 878 0112