Blue Crane Route Municipality Tenders 2025
Stay updated with the latest tenders and RFQs from the "Blue Crane Route Municipality". Download detailed tender notices (NIT) and receive timely tender alerts directly to your inbox with "Blue Crane Route Municipality" Free TenderAlerts.The Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baart More..
Upgrading of mayila and memese sewer pumpstations in somerset east
Tender No :- t05/2025.
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-03-25
Fencing of victoria park sports facility
Tender No :- t03/2025.
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-03-24
Supply, deliver and install automated steel roller shutter doors
Tender No :- fwq02/2025
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-03-14
Supply, deliver and install viriable frequency drive control system at orange fish water treatment works
Tender No :- t04/2025
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-03-14
Supply and delivery of fencing material
Tender No :- fwq01/2025
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-02-28
Provis ion of banking services for a period of five years
Tender No :- t40/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-21
Supply, delivery and install inverter-type air conditioners
Tender No :- t02/2025
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-02-20
Supply and delivery of black refuse bags
Tender No :- fwq03/2025
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-02-18
Supply,delivery,installation,maintenance and monitoring of cctv camera with armed response for the period of 36 months
Tender No :- t44/2024
End Date :- 2025-02-07
Supply and delivey of enviromental services equipment
Tender No :- t47/2024
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-01-20
Supply and delivery of led lights
Tender No :- t46/024
Location :- sarah baartman
End Date :- 2025-01-20
Supply and delivery of asphalt coldmix for a period of three (3) years
Tender No :- t43/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-09
Provision of interim electrical servvices for marikana (120) informal settlement turnkey contractor (engineering, procurement and construct)
Tender No :- t45/2024
End Date :- 2024-12-06
Supply and delivery of interlocking paving bricks associated materials tools and equipment for a period of twelve months
Tender No :- t36/2024
End Date :- 2024-11-25
Know About : Blue Crane Route Municipality
The Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Chris Hani District in the north Sundays River Valley in the south Amathole District and Makana in the east and Dr Beyers Naudé in the west. It is the second-largest municipality of seven in the district accounting for 19% of the geographical area and is an an administrative area. The municipality is named after the South African national bird the blue crane.
Contact Addresss of Blue Crane Route Municipality
67 Nojoli Street, Somerset East
Contact No of Blue Crane Route Municipality
Tel : 042 243 6400
Fax : 042 243 0633
The Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Chris Hani District in the north Sundays River Valley in the south Amathole District and Makana in the east and Dr Beyers Naudé in the west. It is the second-largest municipality of seven in the district accounting for 19% of the geographical area and is an an administrative area. The municipality is named after the South African national bird the blue crane.
Contact Addresss of Blue Crane Route Municipality
67 Nojoli Street, Somerset East
Contact No of Blue Crane Route Municipality
Tel : 042 243 6400
Fax : 042 243 0633